Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Day 21 & 22: Workout, good timing, new project and amazing traffic

Had a great workout at the gym yesterday. Finally managed to raise that 14kg bicep curl with ease, but still cannot manage 21kg. Oh well, work in progress. Although my right knee was a bit funny and I had a strained muscle on my left shoulder, I managed most of the routines alright. Had a fun squash session later with Raymond too. I realised I miss playing squash but one gotta set one's priorities. So for now it's rock climbing and studying. Squash you gotta wait for another 6 months! *Eyes on the prize*

Couldn't sleep last night so I ended up getting out of bed to get some work done. Ended up sleeping at 2.30am. Thankful for having Ching to chit-chat with when I couldn't sleep but that means she couldn't sleep too! Hope she sleeps well tonight. Hope both of us do! I was very energetic the whole day despite only getting about 4 hours of sleep. That's simply amazing considering I had to sit through two meetings! Also, finally, I got a new project at work. Fairly excited!

Anyway, I got caught in a jam getting to work today and half-thought I was going to be late to work. However, I managed to clock in 2 minutes before 9am! How lucky! Very smooth traffic coming home too, and I am thankful for that.

With the laundry in the washing machine and me getting down to my books, I would say this has been an awesome day!

Quote of the day: When you open yourself up to the universe, the universe opens itself up to you.

Feeling this

and this right now.
Life is good. 
It's as though I'm back in London and that summer is finally here after the cold winter.
Yes...it's that kind of pure contentment.

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