Sunday, 7 July 2013

Day 11 & 12: Great colleagues, surprises and cocktail social

Had a lot to be grateful about yesterday but didn't get home until 4am so...

I'm grateful for having all these lovely people as my teammates. I think they are part of the reason why I look forward to going to work every single day. Dynamic. Enthusiastic. Fun. Willing to share. Understanding. On a sleepy, uneventful afternoon, they always instantly brighten up my day. Life works in a funny way. I remember dreading joining this department and was bitter that the interviewers did not place me in the department I wanted to be in. It turns out, however, that the work in this department suits me very well and these great bunch of people are a major plus point. Thank you. :) 

I came back from lunch and found a chocolate muffin on my desk. No one left a note. Later, I found out that it was from Zarina, another teammate whose car tyre puncture the day before. I did not help to change the tyre, I just happened to be there. But I was pleasantly surprised and the muffin made my afternoon! It was so yummy as well! :)

Attended Kevin's experimental cocktail club first tryout. It was held at his basement, a cool and cosy little place. It was lovely to meet new people and catch up with the existing friends. The drinks were great, especially the sloppy puppy fluffy dog (LOL!). What a night! Thanks Kev for inviting and the crowd for making the start of my weekend an awesome one!

Finally, I'm grateful for being given the chance to learn to live on my own. I have more time to think and reflect. I start asking myself what I want and what do I want to do. I walk around with greater awareness of my thoughts and feelings. It's like living above my mind and looking into it, if you get what I mean. I realised that it is not too bad being on my own. May this chapter of life brings on greater things, people, love, happiness and contentment. :)

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